It doesn’t matter how old you are, what you look like or what you do, I want to help you get a girlfriend and find the love and happiness you’ve been looking for.
Before I give you any tips or advice how to get a girlfriend, we need to do some work on your own mind and body first.
It’s highly likely that you have some preconceptions about how to ask girls to be your girlfriend, the rules of courtship, and what you need to do to get a girlfriend.
Your ideas about how to get a girlfriend are probably wrong. And if you are using them as excuses as to why you are still single, then you will never get what you really need to attract and keep a girlfriend.
So let’s start by dispelling a few myths…
Myth 1 – You need to be rich or wealthy
You don’t need to have a high paying job, money in the bank, a big house or a flashy car to be able to get a girlfriend.
This is probably the biggest myth that many single and frustrated guys believe, and it’s just not true.
You can be totally broke and working two jobs in order to make ends meet and still get a beautiful and amazing girlfriend.
Myth 2 – You Need To Be Anyone But Yourself
Another popular myth that many guys believe when trying to get a girlfriend is that you need to be like someone else. That you need to behave like someone else, or speak like someone else.
When it comes to relationships and love, you want to find someone who likes you for who you are.
This means that you shouldn’t try to be anyone else, you should just be yourself! But this does NOT mean you should show up to a date unshaved, smelly, and wearing sweats. You’ve got to be the best version of yourself.
In the Play It On Point manual, we talk about some specific areas you can work on to become a better, more attractive – but while still ultimately being true to yourself.
There is a girl out there right now who would love to be your girlfriend for exactly the guy that you are.
Myth 3 – You need to be good-looking or have the body of a God
Have you ever noticed a beautiful girl who’s with a totally nerdy guy?
For a girl or a woman, looks are really not an important factor when it comes to relationships.
You’ll learn that you can get a gorgeous girlfriend even if you’re not Hollywood good looking or aren’t in perfect shape. You can even get a girlfriend if you are downright ugly!

Tips On How To Ask A Girl To Be Your Girlfriend
Tip #1 – Get Talking
If you want to ask a girl to be your girlfriend, you need to be talking to girls on a regular basis so you learn to feel comfortable and at ease when you’re talking to the girl. We talk about this in our post about how to meet women.
This is simple logic but you’ll be amazed at how many times I hear guys complain about not having a girlfriend but, when asked how many girls they’ve spoken to in the last month, they say none.
I suggest joining a club, doing some volunteer work, taking a class, or any of the other ideas in our post about where to meet women. Grow some balls and make a point of talking to the women in a purely friendly way.
You need to put yourself out there.
Tip #2 – Never Assume It is Exclusive
You’ve been dating a girl for a while. You talk every day, you see each other all the time, and you seem to have a genuine connection. Even if you are acting like boyfriend and girlfriend, NEVER assume it is exclusive!
Chances are she might still be hooking up with her ex on the side, or flirting with guys at bars in hopes of finding someone better. You will just end up looking (and feeling) like an ass when “girlfriend” slips out, and she responds by looking dumbstruck.
Tip #3 – Date Her First
We aren’t in the Victorian era anymore where you’ve got to be practically engaged to a girl before you can go out with her. Even if you are fantasizing about a girl becoming your girl, don’t come out and ask her to be your exclusive girlfriend until you’ve dated her a few times.
Once you are sure you two are compatible and she is sending you signals that she wants something exclusive with you, then you can pop the question. Remember, there are phases to dating and you’ve got to move through them carefully if you are going to build a real relationship.
Tip #4 – Look for Signals
Okay, this one can be a bit tricky because girls are notorious for sending out mixed signals. If you haven’t started dating yet, she might give the impression that she’s not looking for a relationship – but that doesn’t mean she’s not open to the idea. More often the case is that she just hasn’t found the right person yet to be in a relationship with.
If a girl gives the impression she doesn’t want a boyfriend, it doesn’t mean that there is no chance of dating her. Brush up on ways to approach women, work on your confidence and image, and come up with somefun date ideas which are so good she can’t refuse.
After a few dates, look for signals that she is interested in being exclusive with you. Again, girls often send some really confusing mixed signals, but here are some telltale signs she is into you.
- She says things like “I love spending time with you”
- She tells you details of where she’s been and with whom
- She has introduced you to her friends or family
- She holds your hand or shows affection in public
- She cancels plans to be with you
- She assumes you two have plans for the weekend
Remember, you’ve got to ease into it. Women get scared away by men who are clingy. So don’t pop the question – or even mention you want her to be your girlfriend – until you’ve gotten some clear signals.
Tip #5 – Relax and Pop the Question
This isn’t a marriage proposal, so relax already!
First off, don’t just stumble up to her and ask if she will be your girlfriend. You need to be relaxed first and in a private, comfortable situation.
Some guys are really good at coming right out and asking, “Do you want to be my girlfriend.” In most cases though, it comes as a DTR talk – defining the relationship.
When asking a girl to be your girlfriend, or even when having the DTR talk, you’ve got to remember that relationships today aren’t so straightforward. She might hear “girlfriend” and immediately start picking out the wedding colors and baby names. He might hear “girlfriend” and think “I wonder if she’s cool with me hooking up with chicks on the side…”
Since there are so many types of relationships out there, make sure you know exactly what you want before you ask her to be your girlfriend. If she springs the DTR talk on you before you are ready, then just be honest about how you feel.
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